Concerns around Department of Health’s Review of Protect Life 2 Suicide Prevention Strategy
New Script for Mental Health criticises the lack of transparency and accountability surrounding this review and calls for answers from the Department of Health.
Suicide is a major public issue in our society. Each death by suicide is a preventable rather than an inevitable death. Every single death causes devastation to the family and friends affected, but also impacts the wider community and society as a whole.
The causes of suicide are complex, but we know that a number of factors, including trauma, abuse, poverty, unemployment and discrimination in its various forms, increase the risk of death by suicide. Rates of death by suicide are over three times higher in deprived communities than in wealthy areas.
A societal response is needed, one that addresses the underlying drivers of despair and hopelessness that lead to suicide. To do that we need a high level, properly resourced, cross-departmental Strategy.
These are the reasons why the Protect Life 2 Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Strategy needs to be effective and can demonstrate that it is underpinned by robust data and an evidence base.
In this context New Script for Mental Health is extremely concerned by the absolute lack of transparency and accountability surrounding the Department of Health’s decision to extend Protect Life 2 Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Strategy.
Our response sets out a number of issues the Department of Health must address :
- There is an absolute lack of transparency and accountability surrounding the Department of Health’s decision to extend the Protect Life 2 Strategy (PL2).
- No evidence base was provided by the Department for Health to inform its decision to extend PL2 until 2027, and possibly 2029.
- There is no clarity as to whether the Strategy has reduced the rate of deaths by suicide.
- The reduction target of 10% is not sufficiently ambitious.
- No data is provided on outcomes achieved as a result of the Strategy.
- The Strategy has failed to target objective need.
- No information is provided on the relevant legislative and regulatory frameworks.
Read the full report here