Announcement | New Script for Mental Health Secures All Party Support for Give 5! | PPR

New Script for Mental Health Secures All Party Support for Give 5!

Activists call on Department of Health to adopt Give 5 framework for mental health as all political parties give it their support Sara Boyce  |  Thu Mar 13 2025
New Script is part of a growing global movement that is rethinking how communities everywhere understand and respond to mental distress and trauma.

New Script for Mental Health have secured support from all the main political parties for our Give 5: Steps to a Wellbeing Rights Framework. This represents a very positive development in our campaign to have this framework adopted by the Department of Health.

The human rights framework is grounded on United Nations and World Health Organisation human rights standards and highlights essential steps that New Script for Mental Health is urging government to take to protect and promote people’s right to good mental health. It has been designed to expand and enhance the Public Health Agency’s Take 5 public messaging on health and wellbeing.

Concluding Observations of the recent United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) Review of the UK 2025 require the NI Executive to strengthen mental health services and support systems by allocating sufficient resources and increasing community-based support. These UN recommendations underpin the New Script for Mental Health Give 5 Framework and campaigners look forward to increased political engagement in a new conversation about mental health, one that responds to the structural determinants of mental ill-health and trauma.

The five steps in the framework are Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give People dignity. A key campaign focus this year is Step 2 – Reduction in unnecessary overprescribing of antidepressants and increasing community based, non-medical options for healing from emotional distress and trauma.

Alarmingly, antidepressant prescribing has quadrupled in two decades, with a 65% rise among under-18s in the past decade. Following endorsement from cross party MLAs, Magz Gibney, New Script activist says they are confident that steps can and will be taken to stop the annual increase in prescribing antidepressants to then reverse the trend.

Give 5 highlights the need for transformational change and we welcome the endorsement that this framework has received from MLAs from all parties

“Those making decisions about mental health care need to listen to activists who have been campaigning long and hard. New Script is part of a growing global movement that is rethinking how communities everywhere understand and respond to mental distress and trauma. Give 5 highlights the need for transformational change and we welcome the endorsement that this framework has received from MLAs from all parties”, said Magz.

She continued, “We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has endorsed our framework to date as we continue to build a societal conversation on mental health, led by people with first-hand experience of mental health struggles as well as those working at the coal face of mental health services.”

New Script for Mental Health has already received hundreds of endorsements for the Give 5 Framework including from trade unions, human rights organisations, counselling accreditation bodies, suicide prevention charities, CVS organisations and UNISON, Community Development Health Network, British Counselling and Psychotherapy Society, Rural Community Network, British Psychological Society NI Clinical Division, Cunamh Counselling Derry and Suicide Down to Zero Downpatrick.

You can lend your support too by adding your name here