How to Get Involved in Campaigns Supported by PPR Over the Holidays
PPR will be closed from 19 December, returning 3 January 202
We are getting ready to wrap up for a few weeks over the Christmas period. Everyone involved in making the magic happen at PPR will be taking a well-earned rest and won’t be available from 19 December, returning 3 January 2023.
But we know human rights issues won’t stop for Christmas and maybe some of these resources can be helpful for you or your community while we’re away. If you would like to get involved in any of the campaigns in 2023 please let us know and we will be in touch in the New Year.
Asylum Rights: This year, Kind Economy campaigners have been supporting asylum seekers to monitor and report on the human rights failings in contingency accommodation. They have organised a growing a network of local businesses, community groups and charities to engage use acts of kindness to oppose the UK Home Office’s hostile environment and work ban. If you are an asylum seeker living in contingency accommodation we do want to hear your story - please note down as many details as you can of the issues you are facing (including where, since when, who has been involved or notified and how) and email this, along with any photographs or other evidence you have to Click here to register your interest in helping the Kind Economy campaign. If you can spare any old laptops for refurbishment please email
Housing Rights: This year the Take Back The City campaign launched a first of its kind international competition for architects to design Belfast’s first climate resilient community. The results are amazing and over 1000 people have voted so far. Click here to vote for your favourite now. If you would like to get involved in the campaign in 2023 email
We strongly advise that you DO NOT try to navigate the housing system without support. There are various agencies which offer advice workers in support like the Housing Rights Service.
Mental Health Rights: We’ve been supporting mental health campaigners for a decade and this year they raised the bar by exposing widespread failures in the government’s response to the mental health emergency. We’ve spent the latter half of the year preparing our campaign for a New Script for mental health. If you would like to help us write a new script for mental health, please click here to register for our launch conference on the 1st February 2023 or email
If you or someone you know is experiencing distress or despair you can contact Lifeline on 0800 800 8000 or The Samaritans on 116123.
We do not provide any services for people seeking mental health support or care. You can find out what support services are offered by your Health Trust here or you can contact your GP. If you or someone you know is experiencing distress or despair you can contact Lifeline on 08008008000 or The Samaritans on 116123.
Right to Income: The benefits system is deeply flawed and routinely denies people’s human rights. The current cost of living crisis is being made worse because of consistent failures by political leaders and decision makers to prioritise human rights. We strongly recommend that you DO NOT try to apply for benefits or appeal bad decisions without support. R2W have campaigned in partnership with dedicated advice workers to sound the alarm on human rights failings in the social security system and you can get help from them at East Belfast Independent Advice Centre, Advice North West and Advice NI. Click here to download a toolkit to help you understand the points system, take action to secure the benefits you are entitled to and monitor the response.
This year R2W campaigners have been supporting communities to activate green spaces and grow their own food. If you are interested in learning more drop into Gairdín an Phobail at Whiterock Leisure Centre (Whiterock Close, Whiterock Road, Belfast BT12 7RJ) any Friday from 10am - 1pm for a cuppa and chat no matter the weather. Email for more info.