Video | From Stigma and Silence to Storytelling and Solidarity


Audio and video content from our campaigns

From Stigma and Silence to Storytelling and Solidarity

Panel Discussion on a New Script for Mental Health

Tue Mar 05 2024

Panellists were Denise Bradley, Corrymeela, Marie Quiery, Psychotherapist and Lisa Morrison, PPR.


Denise’s story to date has 25 years of leadership, training, and practitioner experience in community and statutory sectors working with trauma and healing within marginalised populations, including survivors of violence and abuse, gender inequality, displacement, conflict, and social injustice. Denise works for the Corrymeela Community, and as a freelance trauma-informed practitioner, trainer, and facilitator. Having completed a Masters in Gender, Conflict and HR, Denise is currently in post grad scholarship with Bessel Van Der Kolk, at the Trauma Research Foundation, USA. Passionately advocating for the development of rights-based trauma-informed peace-building and social justice methodologies regionally in the North of Ireland and beyond. Denise loves to nurture her growing family, dance, silversmith, and swim in the cold sea.

Marie Quiery is a practicising Gestalt therapist. She has been an activist in and worked with the LGBTQ+ community for over 30 years. She has a particular interest in the impact of inequality on our mental health, including her own.

Lisa Morrison entered psychiatric services at the age of 14 and has had multiple diagnoses imposed on her. Realising that trauma was at the heart of her ‘symptoms’ she fought to finally get complex trauma recognised in 2020. She now runs her own Training and Consultancy teaching about the impact of trauma and the value and importance of trauma-informed values and principles for people needing and those working across a range of services.  She works part time for the New Script Campaign calling for a better, kinder, rights-based approach to and understanding of mental health issues.